Crunch real estate offers for international Development
Project Profile
In order to provide the development in the construction investment faster with suitable offers, a significant decision throughput with the same personnel is to be achieved via an AI-based pre-decision (analysis platform). Our approach: the analysis platform with AI-based pre-processing.
At a glance - essential project data
Duration | From 11/1/2017 to 3/1/2018 with about 4 months of full engagement | |
Data and Tools | Market - RealEstate Sources • PDF-Files (ca. 3000 documents) • Identification of the necessary detail informatione from the contracts • Supervised trained Agent | |
Integration | Web API for metadata enrichment with model-generated data | |
AI Methods | • NLP • DeepLearning • Data Consulting • Strategic Advisory |
Engagement Use-Case
AI based reading of detailed information in real estate offers (DE) and complete form-free mapping of documents.
Kundenmotivation / Lösungsansätze
Efficient recognition of information in documents
Increase the degree of pre-processing for subsequent manual evaluation
AI Approach
AI key technology used in our solution | Little training material by using a language model rule-based tagging heuristics for result interpretation | |
Solution Approach | • NLP(German) • Individualized Word Model • Lemmatizing • Entity Recognition • Supervised Labeling Platform | |
Project Approach | Simply Agile | |
Project Type | Project | |
ML Integration and ML Operations | • Operation Integration API • VIsualizationAPI |
Insights and Details
Supervised Labelling Platform - seamless integration Training Cases, Editor and Labelling
As an example a sales contract for information retrieval for the sales contract information
Approach to the analysis platform as a design prototype for a development decision platform
Approach to the aquise platform as a design prototype for a development decision platform